Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog Eight (Last One!)

In this last section, I learned about when The Van Daan and Frank families are discovered.  It all started when Mr. Frank was supposed to be tutoring Peter, they heard voices downstairs.  I would have an emergency ladder to go out the window at times like these to escape!  Sadly, they were found!  It had been two years since they had arrived at the Secret Annex, how did they survive?  Especially Anne, who was an energetic kind of girl!  The prisoners were taken into a German car, and from there they went to the camps.  The pages of Anne's diaries lay on the floor of the Annex.  When they got to the concentration camps, Anne and Margot had to leave their mom.  What shocked me was that Anne had never gotten along with her mom, so why would she just leave her without telling her mom that she was sorry!  

The End of the Families:
Mrs Van Daan- Transferred tp Theresienstadt, she died in the Spring of 1945.
Peter Van Daan- Died in Mauthausen on May 5, 1945.
Mrs. Frank- Survived for only a few more months, and soon died in Auschwitz on January 6, 1945.
Margot- Her hair had been cut off, she had been sleeping in barracks crammed with women.  She died in March 1945.
Anne- Her hair had also been cut off and stuck with Margot.  She died a few days after Margot.
Mr. Frank- He was the only one to survive the war.  He took a long journey back to Amsterdam, when he arrived on June 3rd, he wanted to see Miep.  Miep had kept Anne's diaries the whole time.  Mr. Frank died on August 19th, 1980.

Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog Seven (Only one more!)

 In this section, I saw a better look of the house!  Here is a picture of the whole house layout:
(The highlighted section is where they lived.)

The families all had to share rooms.  What I found shocking was that Anne shared with a grown man!  Since Anne is an outgoing, rude girl, I think Margot should have been sharing the room, Don't you?  Anne missed going outside and breathing in the fresh air, I know I would to!


Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog Six:

In this section, I learned about the period of time before the Frank family went into hiding. The Frank's wrote a postcard to their aunt saying they were very upset that they would no longer get to talk to them. They had a friend, Miep Gies, that they trusted very much.  Miep took Margot to the Secret Annex separately.  Anne says on July 8, 1942,
"We put on heaps of clothes as if we were going to the North Pole, the sole reason being to take clothes with us.  No Jew in our situation would have dreamed of going out with a suitcase full of clothing.  I had on two vests, three pairs of paints, a dress on top of that, a skirt, jacket, summer shorts, two pairs of stockings, lace-up shoes, wooly cap, scarf, and still much more; I was nearly stifled before we started, but no one inquired about that."

If I was a Nazi, I would suspect.  This little girl, that has an extremely large body, but stick thin legs?  Probably, I would check her and see if she was stealing anything away!

This is a picture of The Frank Family.  They look rather happy, and I think they were outside of the annex.

Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog Five:

In this section, I learned some more about the whole Frank family and how things worked with them.  Margot was the smart, sweet one.  She always got good grades and school!  On the other hand, Anne was a good student, but in Algebra, she had poor grades.  She wrote,

"My parents are quite different from most, they don't care a bit whether my reports are good or bad as long as I am well and happy, and not too cheeky, then the rest will come by itself."

I was suprised that Anne's parents did not care about school work as much!  I know that I would want my kids to put in all their effort, but I could picture Anne just slacking off a bit. 

Links for The Frank Family information:

Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog Four:

In this section, I learned a little more about Anne.  I learned that she loved to laugh, which Anne and I have in common.  She also enjoyed movie stars and boys, which I would think she would not like them!  Anne was quite a character in my perspective!  Anne sort of reminds me of any princess I used to watch when I was younger.  All of the princesses had their "Prince Charming" and fell in love!  This is sort of like Anne and Peter!

Anne put this photograph in her Diary.  She wrote underneath it:

"This is June 1939... Margot and I had just got out of the water and I still remember how terribly cold I was, that's why I put on my bathrobe, granny sitting there at the back so sweetly and peacefully.  Just as she was wont to do."

Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog Three:

In this section, I learned about when the Franks had left Germany.  They left in 1933 when Hitler rose to power!  This suprised me that they never got taken to concentration camps!  From what I have read, I would not want to be friends with someone like Anne.  She is bossy and demanding, and I usually do not get along with people like that.  The author said that it was scary and difficult to escape Germany and go into hiding, and I agree.  I probably would get caught, because if you know me, I am a pretty noisy person.  HAHA!

Below is a picture of the house The Franks went into hiding.  In my opinion, I would be squished!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog One:

This section of the book told about the background information about The Frank family.  I could picture Anne's family as sweet and loving, and at sometimes stubborn and strict. What I found interesting is that Anne had a sister!  Her name was Margot, but she does not usually get mentioned.  I wonder why Margot is not as famous as Anne Frank?  I think maybe that Margot was not the type to keep track of things, such as diaries.  

Q&A I had:

Where was Anne born?
   Anne was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Who was in The Frank family?
   There was Mrs. Frank, Mr. Frank, Anne, and Margot, her sister.
When did things start to get bad for Anne and her family?
   Things started to get bad once Hitler rose to power.

Link(s) for book reviews:

Anne Frank~ Beyond The Diary

Blog One:

In the first section I read, the author tells you about the past of Anne Frank BEFORE she goes into hiding.  What I wondered is what helped Anne through these hard times?  Later, I learned it was her diary, She named it Kitty.  This shocked me that something so little can help with an event so big!  Something relatable to this in the news today is the kidnapping of many people.  Kidnapping is also similar to Anne Frank.  Poor Anne, to think about leaving your home, to go into hiding in a small, dirty place.

Below: A famous photograph of Anne, I think she looks really happy.  This might be before her going into hiding.